COMPOSITE STAR is all-embracing composite design software and database for engineers working with
composite materials. It calculates:
* the mechanical properties of plies by micromechanics
* the mechanical and hygrothermal properties of laminates by
  Classical Laminate Theory (CLT)
* loaded ply / laminate mechanical and hygrothermal stresses/ strains
* Ply / laminate failure predictions with your choice of several different
  industry-standard and new failure criterion and progressive failure
Composite Star will take the mystery out of composite material properties, with accurate
predictions of the strength, stiffness and behaviour under load for ANY combination of
fibre, resin and cores and any laminate stacking sequences.
Composite Star can store and organise the material properties for all the fibres, resins, plies, and
laminates that you use. These are kept in a single, easy-to-use database which plugs seamlessly
into the laminate calculation engine.